Vision - the E.D.E. Newsletter

E.D.E. VISION is the newsletter of the E.D.E. It is published four times a year.

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E.D.E. Booklet

E.D.E. Booklet 2013.


E.D.E. Congress 2017, Torun


The aim of the associations is the promotion of co-operation of national association and corresponding national institutions of care for elder people as well as their representation on a European level.

The tasks of the E.D.E. include in particular:

  • working in and counselling organisations and committees active in the area of the social and health care of the elderly on a European level
  • counselling national associations for directors and providers of long-term care services on questions of residential and day-patient care of the elderly
  • promoting the exchange of information concerning national developments in the area of social and health care of the elderly
  • organising international congresses, conferences, training programmes and study trips
  • initiating cross-border research projects in the area of care for the elderly
  • developing standard guidelines for the professional training of directors of long-term care services and raising the qualification standards for directors of long-term care services
  • improving the social status of the profession of director of long-term care services
  • coordinating the aims and work of national associations
  • carrying out public relations work and influencing lawmakers‘ decisions in the area of long-term care.
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